Wednesday, January 30, 2008

What Is Microsoft Terminal Server?

Microsoft Terminal Server is a component of the Windows operating system that allows users to remotely access servers and applications over the internet or a local area network. Terminal Server runs on Windows Server 2003, Windows 2000 Server and Windows NT 4 Terminal Server. Client devices connecting to a Terminal Server can be Windows workstations, Macintosh or Linux machines, mobile devices and dumb terminals.

When Terminal Server is installed and enabled on a Windows Server, users can connect to virtual desktops, or single instances of an application. User's applications, or virtual desktops, are executed on the server instead of the client. The end user sees their terminal services session across the network or internet connection, similar to VNC or Citrix.

Unlike these other remote control programs, a Windows Terminal Server runs a in a multi user mode that allows multiple users to log into the server at the same time. Depending on the hardware and resources that the server can provide, a single Terminal Server can support dozens or even hundreds of simultaneous users.

Terminal Server sessions provide support for many client side resources. For example, a Windows 2003 Terminal Server supports accessing your local disk drives, printers, serial ports, sound and the windows clipboard while connected to a Terminal Services session.

The Windows XP Pro operating system also provides similar functionality. It is called "Remote Desktop". The main difference is that it only supports one user at a time. If you connect to a Windows XP Pro machine via a Terminal Services session, it will actually lock the console of the physical machine. "Remote Desktop" can be enabled on an XP Pro machine by accessing the "System" applet, selecting the "Remote" tab and checking the option that says "Enable Remote Desktop on this computer".

Building a stable Terminal Server solution can be a lot of work, and this article merely scratches the surface of the technology, but hopefully you now have a better idea of what it is and what it can do.

Matt Peterson is a Consultant for N2 Network Solutions, Visit N2 online at,Ceil Blog67760
Arleyne Blog17891

Banking For Students And Graduates

If you are a student or have recently graduated, then there a large number of bank accounts and financial products designed specifically for you. Although students used to be much derided for the large government grants they received, those days are long gone and students today have to be financially astute in order to avoid large debts. If you are a student or recent graduate then here are some tips about the types of accounts to look for.

Why so many student accounts?

Student and graduate accounts are more and more common, and they usually have a wide range of features and good rates. Although students are generally fairly poor and cannot pay back money they borrow, banks want to offer these accounts to students in the hope that they will remain loyal to their company once they are earning good money.

Student accounts

When you go to university you might have a simple current account, but the best thing to do is to open a dedicated student account. Student accounts offer a wide range of benefits, including vouchers and discounts for clothing and record shops. However, the most important part of your student account is the interest-free overdraft


When you are at university it is likely that at some point you are going to need an overdraft facility to handle the fees whilst not bringing in a lot of money. Therefore it is essential that you pick an account with a good interest-free overdraft limit. Try and find the bank that has the highest level of interest-free overdraft, because any unauthorised borrowing will cost you a lot of money.

Overall package

Although the overdraft limit is important, you should look at the overall account package. Look at other fees and charges that the bank applies to your account, as well as the extra benefits on offer. Some student accounts will offer students a credit card with their account amongst other benefits. Try and find the best overall account package for your needs.

Dedicated support

In addition to the account benefits, you need to make sure that the student account you choose has dedicated support, as this can help you when times are tough. An even better option is a bank that has a branch on your campus, because a dedicated student bank manager is more likely to be sympathetic to your financial difficulties. Online banking is also something to look out for, as this can help you move funds and pay bills quickly when you need to, as well as helping you to closely monitor your spending.

Graduate accounts

Once you have finished university, many banks will offer you an upgrade to a graduate account. It is worth looking at these when you get your student account, as the right student and graduate package can really help you to move smoothly from student to worker. Whatever package you choose, dont be afraid to move accounts and banks, and shop around before you make any decision.

Peter Kenny is a writer for The Thrifty Scot.Becka Blog80028
Allx Blog36175

Beginning the College Scholarship Search

Are you anxious about going away to college? Or worse yet, worried about how your are going to finance your college education? If you have worries such as these, you are not alone. But, the best thing to do is to take action.

A college education is very expensive. Colleges and Universities offers higher payments on every course that one may wish to take. The average cost of a college education nowadays is around $20,000.00 a year. That amount is too high for most high school grads especially if their parents can't help.

Many parents opt to save with a bank college fund to be used for their children when they enter college. Some invest in educational plans to surpass the heavy burden they might incur later on. Good for those who have prepared for the a college education of their children but how about those who have not? Can their child still go to college even if they lack finances? By all means yes.

That is why scholarships and grants are available. There are many college scholarships that are being offered in different universities and colleges. They vary according to the beneficiarys capabilities. College scholarships may be in the form of academic scholarship, athletic scholarships and many others. There are also college scholarships that are funded by the government. In some cases, prominent and rich people fund scholarship grants offered to various college students.

Knowing those facts, one can definitely say that obtaining a scholarship or grant can't be too difficult. However the truth is finding college scholarship or grants is very time consuming and requires great effort.

Here are some tips on how to find college scholarships that best suit your child:

1) Ask the academic guidance counsellor. The school where you enroll your child in High School is sure to have a list of scholarships and grants. You may ask for it and compare the grants that are offered according to the capability and the needs of your child. This is the surest way to find a college scholarship or grant for your child.

2) Universities and Colleges offer special scholarship for academic excellence and athletics. This is one way to search for your childs college scholarship. The Universities and Colleges that offer this may require your childs effort academically (if awarded academic scholarship) and effort in athletics while maintaining a ceiling grade (if awarded athletics scholarship). There are also financial aids given to a child if he intends to join a club or organization in the University or College that he intends to join. One example of the clubs is a theatre arts club.

3) The internet is the widest and the biggest tool you may use in order to find a scholarship for your child. There are lists of scholarships that you may find on the internet. This scholarship may be funded by people or private organization who aims to support deserving students in their college education.

4) The most scholarships or grants that can be trusted are those offered by the government. There are government agencies that offer college scholarships and grants but limit the course a student may take. One advantage of having a government scholarship is the job that waits after your child finishes college. That is because, most of the time, the government is the one that looks for the students job after his schooling. Sometimes that is included in the scholarship grant contract.

These are the four major places where you may find a scholarship that best suits your childs ability and needs. Scholarships are a great help not just on the part of the parent but also on the child.

Luke GarfieldCaroline Blog24169
Bernita Blog69684

Want A Stress Fee Life? Go For Debt Consolidation

People who have got themselves into the vicious cycle of multiple debts need to consider the option of debt consolidation. Debt consolidation comprises of merging all your pending loans into a single loan, and you now make a single payment to a single debt consolidation loan lender. This relieves you of the stress of dealing with multiple creditors and their multiple debts, which at times become unmanageable. Exercising this option also stops the harassment of receiving collection calls.

It does not matter the type of debts you carry your wedding loans, education, loans, car or credit card debts, and even your utility and other personal bills. These are all consolidated into a single loan for you to manage your debts easily.

As you keep on falling back on your monthly payments, it starts to affect your credit rating negatively, raising your stress levels. This has no affect on your ability to obtain debt consolidation loans. These are also available for those with bad debts. You are considered a bad debt if you have been defaulting on your payments regularly, are slow on your payments, carry huge arrears on your loans, or are thinking of filing for bankruptcy.

You can learn about debt consolidation from many online sites, or from debt consolidation agencies. Your understanding of your problems, and following the advice of professionals, will help you make a better use of your income, and reduce your debts. Other than state and federal agencies, you can seek counsel from the many private financial agencies dealing in debt consolidation.

Debt consolidation loans also include home equity loans and home refinancing. The advantage of such loans is that they are low interest loans, very much lower than the rates of interest being charged on your multiple debts. Ensure that you make your monthly payments in time as you will be risking your home.

Once you opt for debt consolidation, you are on your way to a stress free life.

Gibran Selman takes care of a website dedicated to gather information, on and off the internet, about debt consolidation and other related subjects.Anetta Blog78089
Berti Blog52315

Optimize Your Office Space And Productivity With Ergonomic LCD Monitor Arms

LCD Arms

LCD Arms has revolutionized the world of monitor mounts through decades of research and testing, flawlessly combining sleek design and cutting-edge ergonomic innovation to conserve precious desk space and improve performance.

The basic LCD Arm consists of an arm of varying length, sometimes mounted to a pole, always mountable to a desk or wall. This arm has a VESA adapter plate at one end, designed to hold all VESA monitors (the vast majority of all monitors are VESA-compliant). Depending on the make and model, some arms will include mounts for a mouse and keyboard, or for multiple monitors. All of the mounts provide an impressive range of motion from a remarkably small footprint on your desk or floor.

Why Ergonomics?

For as long as most of us can remember, technology has been advancing at a stunning pace, and the results have been tangible: We have put men on the moon, can fit entire databases of music into our back pocket and have devices in our cars that make it so we never have to ask for directions again.

Unfortunately, the price of progress is often paid with bleary eyes, aching backs and carpal tunnel syndrome by those who interact with our technological devices.

Enter the concept of ergonomics - the adaptation of machine to man. Ergonomic products are designed to enhance the interface between technology and the human form. Ergonomics is the science of identifying the physical points of stress, and then minimize or eliminate that stress through superior design.

Why LCD Arms? Space Management

Monitor arms as a whole find their greatest value in space management. From classrooms to dental offices, from the stock market to a home office, space is at a premium and the effective management of that space is essential. An LCD arm or pole mount provides the full use of a monitor at the most comfortable viewing angle while virtually eliminating the monitors footprint on the desk. The arm itself folds down to occupy a space as small as 3 inches wide in some cases.


A typical LCD Arm consists of up to three joints, each one boasting a full 360-degrees of rotation. The arm can be adjusted up and down, left and right, and front and back, with additional articulation and rotation available at the joint between monitor and arm. Equally versatile, the FLEXmount system provides six mounting options, including desktop and grommet clamp, thru-desk bolt, and wall mounting.

Ease of Use

Most monitor arms use numerous clamps, bolts and knobs for adjustment, leaving the user in constant danger of monitor drooping, a condition caused by chronically loose joints. LCD Arms monitor arms, however, employ an elegantly simple system powered by a pressurized spring that floats the monitor above the desktop. Repositioning is literally as simple as the touch of a single finger, no doohickeys to tighten or training needed.

Multiple Applications

LCD Arms touts the most extensive and comprehensive collection of monitor arms solutions on the planet. Their award-winning EVO line includes adapters that will hold laptops and tablet PCs along with monitor arms. And keep your eye out for the Cricket, an adjustable portable laptop stand that folds up to fit into a bag or pocket, available sometime in Fall of 07.

Apple users, dont feel left out. LCD Arms iLift and CinemaLift designs are the only line of monitor arms specifically designed for Apple iMac and Cinema Displays.

Health care professionals love LCD Arms because of the intuitive use, maximum flexibility, and durability. Its incredibly handy for a dentist to be able to simply pull a monitor from the wall to the chair to show her patient their x-rays, and effective use of space is crucial in hospital environments.

Apple users, dont feel left out. LCD Arms iLift and CinemaLift designs constitute the only lines of monitor arms specifically designed for Apple iMac and Cinema Displays.

If you haven't read about your work situation here yet, contact one of LCD Arms' vendors. They'll work with you to customize a solution for your home, office, or school.

Basically, whoever you are, wherever your computer is, your work (or the work of those you manage) will benefit from the strategic employment of an LCD Arms monitor. And if you're still not sure that an LCD monitor arm is best for your situation, give one a try. You won't ever switch back.

Jimmy Dunn is a technogeek with Feel free to check out Sewell Direct's complete LCD monitor arm selection.Brittan Blog90059
Britt Blog95573

Graduate School Admissions

In order to gain acceptance into Graduate School, several requirements or educational items must be met. These items vary from school to school; however, the main ones needed are listed below, with a brief overview of each.

- Transcript -

Colleges need a copy of a students permanent academic records, otherwise known as a transcript. This transcript details the students academic background by listing the courses taken along with the grades achieved in each. So that security measures are enforced and transcripts not altered, these documents need to come from the registrars office of the college or university attended. Some colleges and universities accept telephone orders for transcripts, charging a few dollars each to process the requests and mailing. Others honor online or postal mail requests.

When a student has an original transcript copy with a raised seal on hand, a copy of this may be substituted, depending upon the graduate schools requirements. Interested parties should check ahead first to see which type is needed. Do allow plenty of time for orders to reach destinations, as the process can take many weeks. And do follow up to make sure your transcripts arrive. (Many do not and must be resent!)

- Standardized Test Scores -

The results of standardized tests such as the GRE are required. Depending upon the major area of study, other scores may be needed such as: the LSAT for law school; the MCAT for medical school; the GMAT for business school.

- Recommendations - -

Letters of recommendation are required to help show your good traits and personality, etc. to new prospective school administrators. So choose professors from your past undergraduate years who can write positive letters for your file. Include any from persons with whom research and volunteer work was performed as well.

- Essay -

Most graduate programs seek a personal statement and/or admissions essay to be submitted along with the application. Put a lot of thought and planning into this, using books form the public library to help as needed; creating an outline, draft and final revision copy. Include volunteer and research work youve done and plan to do, any career work, etc. Ask the Graduate School for guidelines and samples.

- MISC -

Some schools require an interview. Seek job application books for tips in this area for what to wear, speaking tips, questions and answer tips, etc.

John DayeAshien Blog91311
Catarina Blog67728

Sell Your Knowledge Turning Your Hobby Into Profits

Everyone has a hobby of some kind - most people have several. There are people who collect stamps; people who make scrapbooks or create graphic designs with their digital photos; people who love horseback riding, hiking or bicycling.

Maybe you do something that you don't even know is considered a "hobby". Technically, anything that you engage in for fun that is outside of your occupational activities is considered a hobby- so chances are you have lots of hobbies.

Have you ever considered turning one of your hobbies into a business? You may be surprised at how virtually any hobby can be converted to profits, and without tremendous overhead or ridiculously high start up costs.

What's even better, you aren't required to have a specific product to sell! In fact, you can make your knowledge your product to sell.

If you participate regularly in some sort of hobby, you are bound to know quite a bit about it. If you make scrapbooks of your family and friends, then you probably have extensive knowledge about where to get the best deals on your scrapbooking supplies, and how to create special effects on your photo album pages.

Maybe you have magazines and websites that you refer to all the time for inspiration. You have the personal knowledge of what it took to get started in the hobby. For example, scrapbooking requires that you have access to supplies like paper, stickers, glue, photo albums and scrapbooking tools.

Someone who has just learned about scrapbooking and thinks they want to start the hobby will need to figure out what they need to get started. You could offer this knowledge as your product to sell. Think people won't buy it? Think again.

If you've ever used a search engine to look up information, you know that it's time consuming to sort through all the data to find exactly what you're looking for. Often, you're given tons of information that doesn't seem all that reliable, and you have to determine what you can use and what you need to avoid.

When you make your personal knowledge of a hobby your product to sell- you're helping everyone who wants to find that information without spending hours searching for it.

You do not need to have a physical product to sell in order to make a profit. In fact, having an inventory or having to create physical items from materials offers a lower profit margin than selling information.

Information products are among the top items to sell for a variety of reasons. They offer a low cost to get started, meaning you start earning a profit after just a couple sales. Informational products include eBooks, online courses or email courses, software, audio files, web sites- basically anything that can be downloaded from the internet.

You aren't required to have an inventory and you can set up your business model to allow you to earn money by the work other people do for you.

So now, maybe you're thinking that this is all well and good- but you still don't have a product to sell! You haven't written an eBook, and maybe your writing skills leave little to be desired. Creating online or email courses are time consuming, and to create software you need special training. You can still sell your knowledge. Create a "package" of items that someone would need in order to get started in a particular hobby, and promote it as the "everything you need to know" about starting the hobby.

Contact someone who has written an informative eBook on the topic; find someone else who has made an online video or radio show regarding it, and request permission to sell the items in your package. If they have affiliate programs, you can probably sign up for the affiliate programs and earn commission that way. Include your list of great providers for supplies or information that you refer to regularly, and anything else you know a person needs in order to get started in the hobby. This is a product to sell: selling your knowledge.

Once you've earned money from this type of information product business, you can invest in the creation of your own products if you want, or start offering more informational products that allow you to sell your knowledge.

Copyright (c) 2006

Antonio Thornton started with $37 and turned his "nerdy" computer hobby into a $500,000.00 per year business. Get the free Hobby For Profit Audio Report and discover how to turn your hobby into profit today! Blog24700
Arleta Blog33676

RV Windshield Damage Repair Options

Since RV America assists more than 1,000 RV dealers nationwide, we generally stay current with dealership practices and procedures as well as new RV gadgets, warranties, protectants, cleaners, gizmos, and the occasional scam. One of the best new products weve recently seen on the market is a product called Diamon-Fusion.

If youve driven any vehicle especially an RV on the open road, youve no doubt experienced the head-whipping experience created by seeing a rock hurtling toward your windshield. You flinch, close your eyes, and simultaneously hear the inevitable popping sound made by the projectile. Instantly you open your eyes to inspect the nature and cost of the damage. Weve all been there.

As mentioned above, theres a new product on the market that many of our RV dealers are recommending, and that we wholeheartedly endorse as well. Its called Diamon-Fusion. (RV America Insurance does not sell this product, nor do we make a profit from endorsing it.) Diamon-Fusion provides a four-year warranty, which covers the repair of any damage caused by road debris. You can purchase an upgraded warranty, which includes both repair and/or replacement of the glass.

So, how does this product work exactly? According to Diamon-Fusion USA, this product causes a molecular change in the surface of the glass. The process reduces the coefficient of friction and also increases its impact strength by as much as tenfold. Ill explain.

Your windshield glass appears to be smooth, and it is, basically. But imagine for a moment that youre looking at an extreme close-up of your windshield. Under a microscope, youd probably think youre looking at the surface of 80 grit sandpaper. Your RVs windshield is constructed like that; its actually quite rough. You might say that the surface of your windshield is covered with millions of peaks and craters. So, heres what happens when that projectile hits your windshield; the rock, lets say, actually grips into one of these craters transferring its full force to that immediate spot on your windshield. If the force is strong enough, youre left with a star, or crack in your glass.

How does Diamon-Fusion work? Although we could elaborate on the entire molecular process, lets over-simplify at this point. The application of this product first creates a smooth surface by filling in the peaks and valleys. Then a protective coating is added which provides the durability. Simple, huh? Not only is your RV windshield now stronger, but the slicker surface significantly increases the chances that a rock will bounce/slide off without creating damage. In fact, lab tests conducted by the company show that it would take about 10 times the force to crack a Diamon-Fusion treated windshield compared with an untreated one.

While this alone is probably enough to capture your interest, theres another added benefit. You can also expect to have improved wet weather visibility when your RV windshield is treated by Diamon-Fusion. Why? The smoother the surface of your RV windshield, the less likely it is that water droplets will be able grip your glass.

Because of the nature of the chemicals used in the process, the application of Diamon-Fusion is not a project you can do yourself. See your RV dealer for a quote and proper installation. The price can range anywhere from $400 to $2,000 for the largest of RV windshields.

If you consider the cost of a new windshield, and/or the cost of your RV insurance deductible coupled with the potential inconvenience of interrupting your vacation, you might come to the conclusion that Diamon-Fusion is a good investment for your RVing future.

Paul Bender
RV America Insurance Mktg., Inc.

Paul Bender is the founder and Co-owner of RV America Insurance Marketing, Inc. in Simi Valley, CA. RV America Insurance is the largest RV insurance agency in the nation, and has long been recognized as the leading provider of specialty RV insurance through RV dealerships nationwide. RV buyers rely on RV America's licensed agents to provide outstanding value and superior knowledge of RVs and RV specific insurance coverage.

If you would like to republish this article please retain all links.

Paul Bender is the founder and Co-owner of RV America Insurance Marketing, Inc. in Simi Valley, CA. RV America Insurance is the largest RV insurance agency in the nation, and has long been recognized as the leading provider of specialty RV insurance through RV dealerships nationwide. RV buyers rely on RV America's licensed agents to provide outstanding value and superior knowledge of RVs and RV specific insurance coverage. http://www.rv-insurance-coverage.comCelestyn Blog15560
Benni Blog28934

Private Practice Strategies: How to Develop Multiple Streams of Psychology Income

Mental health professionals have a wealth of valuable, even crucial, information and expertise in which many people are in need.

One-on-one therapy is only one way we can deliver this expertise and help.

There are a number of possible ways therapists can create revenue streams while sharing their talents, expertise and skills with people in need.

Some of these ways are traditional and common, but others are rather innovative ways therapists are beginning to put their abilities to good use. In doing so, they are creating revenue streams.

Traditional Services

Although its time for therapists to think out of the box and develop new services that creatively meet the felt needs of niche markets, there is a place for the traditional therapeutic services.

These include psychotherapy for the DSM diagnoses, psychological testing and evaluation, marriage and family therapy and behavioral health care.

And, yes, people will forgo managed-care reimbursement and pay out of pocket for services that are of higher value because they are higher quality, offer real privacy and are truly customized for the individual needs.

One of the frustrations I hear from mental health care service consumers is that they cant find a specialized therapist in their managed-care insurance network.

Its as if managed cares philosophy is, Well help you obtain access to psychotherapy, but we dont care whether the therapist we connect you with is a specialist. A generalist is fine.

Set yourself apart and demonstrate your true value in the marketplace through specialization. Many people in the market for therapy value specialization.

Getting Published

A book is a powerful way to affect lives. It is also a good way to establish credibility, highlight your practice and services and position yourself in your niche.

And, its easier than you think if you self-publish. It has become very affordable to do so, and it puts you in charge of the content, price and reprints.

It can actually be more profitable, too. You keep every dollar above your costs. If you went through a major publisher who sells a few thousand books, you would only receive the authors fee. You can make as much selling a few hundred copies of a self-published book yourself.

If your book is successful, you may even attract a large publisher to take over your book.

Writing a book opens doors to speaking engagements, media opportunities and a reputation in your niche market.

It also helps you to crystallize your thinking and enhances your effectiveness as a practitioner; its a great exercise in that sense. You will learn a lot both in breadth and depth.

Take the opportunity now to brainstorm ideas for a book thats inside you.

It doesnt have to be long. One hundred pages is plenty.


Teaching courses part-time at a local college or university can be an attractive stream of income.

I have been teaching as adjunct faculty in the Doctor of Psychology (Psy.D.) program at Widener University outside Philadelphia for several years and find it both rewarding and enjoyable.

Think about areas of special interest on which you could teach a course. Courses that adjunct faculty teach can be core curriculum in a graduate program, an undergraduate course or an elective.

I find that part-time professors who are practioners have a lot to offer because they are immersed in what they teach. Students seem to appreciate this as well.


E-books are another medium in which you can package and share specialized information.

And e-book is a written piece of information that is distributed via the internet electronically. It is offered free or for a cost (typically $10 to $30) on a web site.

You can also submit an e-book to web sites that list hundreds of e-books to make them available to the public.

Tens of thousands of e-books are downloaded each year, and are changing lives for the better.

Perhaps you can make yours one of them.

Do you have a solution to a specific problem or can you research the answers?

The best e-books share answers to a specific problem.

E-book topics I have heard of recently include: how to write a eulogy, how to cope with a hysterectomy and the topic of recovering from fibromyalgia.

These are e-books written by non-mental health professionals. Imagine what information psychotherapists can offer in this just-in-time format.

E-books cost very little to produce and nothing to distribute. You can attach the file for an e-book to an email or make it downloadable from a web site.

A great e-book is not long. Many of the best are 10 to 35 pages long.

E-books offer short answers to problems readers want to solve, and are available to people quickly.

Good e-books are specific and do not contain general information. The key to marketability is communicating your precise answer to a specific problem.


E-Courses are similar to e-books, but they may be lengthier and delivered to readers one segment at a time. As the name implies, these can be formatted as guided self-study programs.

E-courses allow for the content to be integrated over a specific period of time. Each lesson can be a simple article or more in-depth with guided self-study. Write between five and 10 lessons, and you have a good e-course.

Written by a professional, a good e-course can bridge the gap between a reader learning new information and the reader applying that information to his/her life and making a behavioral change.

Personal Coaching

In sports, coaching is important to help an athlete develop a winning strategy, develop skills and execute the plan. The coach knows how the athlete can progress and move forward. He/she urges the athlete to set high goals and provides motivation, support, focus and encouragement.

Over the past 10 years, the field of professional coaching in personal development and business arenas has grown tremendously.

What is coaching? Personal coaching is a one-on-one professional relationship in which a client is assisted in achieving a personal, business or career goal.

What is the difference between coaching and therapy? Although coaches sometimes assist people with challenges and problems of various kinds, they do not try to help people overcome problems related to diagnosable conditions as found in the DSM.

Rather, coaches assist well-functioning people to attain greater levels of achievement and satisfaction in their personal lives, businesses or careers.

While therapy is remedial and restorative, coaching is developmental and growth-oriented.

Therapy heals mental and emotional infirmities, while coaching helps healthy individuals achieve more or reach important goals.

Personal coaches work with clients on a wide range of issues, such as coping with a problem or crisis, focusing their efforts on achievement, making career transitions, living more fulfilled lives, achieving life goals and building better relationships.

Other coaches assist people with business development or managerial or leadership development. These coaches are called business coaches or executive coaches.

While coaching is not always based on psychology, it often is. And many of the skills a coach uses are the skills in which therapists are trained. So, there is considerable overlap between coaching and therapy.

This is why many psychologists, counselors and therapists have found coaching attractive and transitioned into coaching either entirely or as a part of their practice mix. I am one of them.
In many ways, therapists have an ideal background to be coaches. But the differences between coaching and therapy are significant and important to keep in mind.

Therapists can make great coaches because of their insights into human motivation and behavior, their understanding of human development and life transitions, their communication and relationship skill and their sense of professional ethics, knowledge base and experience in helping people.

Live Workshops, Retreats, Trainings

Presenting live events such as seminars, workshops, retreats and training programs can be a very lucrative stream of income.

And, it can be a powerful way to affect peoples lives.

The group setting allows learners to engage with your material and benefit from the collective knowledge and experience of the group.

Live programs can also be an introduction to your other services. Brief programs, such as a lunch and learn, can be delivered for free as a solid marketing vehicle for your practice.

As a therapist, if you have developed and packaged your message into a program as recommended earlier, you have the makings of a great seminar or workshop.

Why not kill two birds with one stone?

Promoting a workshop or retreat is promoting your practice at the same time and may be psychologically easier to do.

Consider adding a post-training element to your program. It could be a follow-up mini-workshop, a series of workshops or one-on-one work.

You can leverage the energy of a live event in many ways for additional revenue streams.

And, it is likely that some participants will choose to work with you after the event is over.

You will want to casually present your other offerings at the event. You may make it easier for them by having a sign-up sheet.


A teleseminar (also called a teleclass) is a seminar held over the telephone, like a conference call.

The advantage of a teleseminar is the convenience. No one has to commute and the consumers dial to a bridge line at the specified time. No physical accommodations need be arranged; you only need to rent a telephone bridgeline.

Teleseminars can include people from all over the country, even internationally, at the same time.

Classes are typically 60 minutes long, but can vary. Often teleseminars are offered in a multi-class series.

Teleseminars are another way to offer your packaged content and introduce people to your services. Teleseminars can be offered for free to attract prospective clients and let them sample your services.

See for examples of what various professionals are offering. Or, do a search on Google for teleseminars or teleclasses. There are hundreds to browse and attend.

To get a better feel for how to conduct a teleseminar, attend some yourself.


The goal of this book is to help mental health practitioners build thriving managed-care free private practices.
One of the themes I hope I have conveyed is that psychology is not just for DSM diagnoses.
While we have discussed ways to market traditional services, diversification is important, as it increases the chances we can generate sufficient income to operate outside of managed care.
Multiple streams of psychotherapy income can be developed in ones practice.

When I decided to build a manage-care free practice, I gave considerable thought to how

I could provide private-pay services. I explored how I could use my skills in ways that people would readily pay.

Many psychologists and other mental health professionals are successful in consulting in the workplace for the benefit of employees and employers. Business consulting can be a very lucrative income stream.

Like many practitioners, I found my skills could be applied in the business arena. Today, through a business I started called Leadership Concepts, I offer services in the areas of business consulting, executive, business and career coaching and seminars and workshops for businesses. This has proven to be a solid and growing income stream for me, and it is work I really enjoy.

Other ways to diversify into consulting include behavioral medicine, forensics and sports psychology.

Consulting is a very broad and diverse area, so I wont scrape the surface of the possibilities here. But perhaps I can give you good directions for exploration.

If this area is new for you, you will be surprised to find out the many valuable ways our psychology and mental health expertise can be of benefit to people in the workplace.
Our background makes us capable of assisting businesses with many different barriers to productivity.

To familiarize yourself with this terrain, I suggest you do a Google search using the keywords business, consulting and psychologist and browse the web sites that come up.

Forensic Consulting

Another specific type of consulting is worth considering separately.

Forensic consulting has to do with psychological or mental health service specifically related to the court system.

Often times, a court has to deal with issues that impinge on mental health issues.

Some of these include:

Criminal cases
Competency to stand trial
Mental status at time of offense
Mitigating factors in offenses
Risk assessments, violence

Civil cases
Emotional damages in personal injuries
Assessments for malingering

Family cases and other
Child custody evaluations
Court-ordered psychological evaluations

In addition, attorneys often need help sorting out the issues when questions of a psychological nature occur in their cases. They retain psychologists and other experts to review files and help them prepare for depositions or cross-examination of experts.

Psychologists and other professionals can inform the court on issues, perform assessments and testify as experts.

Consultants in this area testifying as experts typically receive $1,000 to $2,000 for their testimony.

I find that this niche is an attractive one for several reasons:
It is completely managed-care free
It is interesting work
It makes good use of our background
It is lucrative
It is a specialized area that many professionals find intimidating,
which means less competition.

If you find this an interesting prospect as a part of your practice, then I encourage you to begin taking some training workshops to familiarize yourself with the terrain.

Web sites

Revenue streams can be active or passive. Therapy sessions, therapy groups, workshops and consulting services are all active forms of revenue streams. You exchange your time and skills for a fee.

Passive revenue is revenue from streams that do not involve service delivery, but once set up, occur automatically 24/7. A common form of passive revenue is income from products sold on a web site.

Can you see the advantages of passive revenue? Can therapists develop passive revenue streams? You bet!

Therapists can productize their most useful expertise and offer information products to benefit others.

Some of these we already looked at, like books, e-books and e-courses. These can all be offered on a web site for web seekers to obtain and utilize to fill their needs.

There are other possibilities as well, such as licensing programs.

As an example of a passive revenue web site effectively offering information products to a specific niche, see

Passive income streams utilizing the internet via web sites are a burgeoning area for many service professionals, but few mental health professionals are taking advantage of the potential so far.

This will be changing soon.

Active income streams can also be marketed on the internet.

Web sites can also be effectively used as a marketing tool for your fee-for-service practice. More and more therapists are putting up web sites and for good reasons.

A web site is your practice brochure, available any time, day or night, to seekers on the internet. People you meet, people who hear you give a presentation and people referred to you by another professional, can be directed to view your web site, find out more about you and, hopefully, be stimulated to contact you.

A simple, attractive, intriguing postcard sent to a mailing list can direct your niche market to your web site. Or, your yellow page ad in the phone book can include your web address.

A web site is much more than a brochure. It is also a potentially powerful marketing vehicle, when combined with internet marketing strategies.

If you decide to have a web site for your practice, or for a particular niche service, make it full of resources (articles and free information) that will attract people to it and make them want to spread the word.

Although beyond the scope of this article, internet marketing strategies can be developed to drive people to your web site.

Increasingly, people are beginning their search for products and services on the internet.

The yellow pages are not the first choice for many.

Are you effectively represented on the Internet?

Licensing Programs

After you have developed effective structured programs for your niches, you can license the use of these programs to other professionals.

Other therapists have been doing this for years. Psychologist Dr. Daniel Dana, a conflict resolution specialist, certifies mediators and licenses his program at

Another example can be found at, as we mentioned previously. Howard Glasser, M.A. offers a parenting approach and program, as well as other materials, for ADHD children. His program involves a book, a training program for parents and a training and certification program for therapists.

His program is called Transforming the Difficult Child: The Nurtured Heart Approach.

One of my coaching clients is certified in this program and speaks highly of it.

Howard Glassers web site actually models several streams of income, including a book, workshops, training other professionals, licensing or certification and internet marketing for all the above including his practice.

These programs in a box are typically complete turnkey therapy, counseling or consulting programs that therapists can purchase. They are usually complete, including the structured program itself, instructor materials, workbooks and also include marketing pieces you can use to generate business.

For those of you who want to do niche marketing but prefer not to do the creating part, you may want to find out whether someone has developed a program you can utilize to serve your niche.

Someone may have done the work for you.

If you can find a program suitable for your niche market, you could be a few days away from having a marketable service in your repertoire.

Training Other Professionals

When you have developed an effective program, you can leverage it by training others in your approach and methods.

Innovators in therapy have been training others for years. If you develop a specialization, program or niche service in a growing area, you may find many other therapists would like to learn from you.

Sometimes the innovation is mainly in how a service is packaged.

You can train other professionals via live workshops, self-study program packages and teleseminars.

Diversification by developing a number of streams of psychotherapy income increases the chances you can create sustainable income and can be rewarding in other ways too.

William D. Morgan is a psychologist, author, and private practice business coach. He coaches human service professionals and others who want to build thriving practices. For more helpful information and tips, visit This is an excerpt from his NEW BOOK Today's Private Practice: Strategies for Building a Thriving Managed-Care Free Psychotherapy Practice, Blog7808
Amity Blog87722

Prevention of Cerebral Palsy

Cerebral Palsy Prevention

Measures of Cerebral Palsy prevention are increasingly possible today. Pregnant women are tested routinely for the Rh factor and, if Rh negative, they can be immunized within 72 hours after the birth (or after the pregnancy terminates) and thereby prevent adverse consequences of blood incompatibility in a subsequent pregnancy. If the woman has not been immunized, the consequences of blood incompatibility in the newborn can be prevented by exchange transfusion in the baby.

If a newborn baby has jaundice, this can be treated with phytotherapy (light therapy) in the hospital nursery. Immunization against measles for all women who have not had measles and are susceptible to becoming pregnant is an essential preventive measure.

Other preventive programs are directed towards the prevention of prematurity; reducing exposure of pregnant women to virus and other infections; recognition and treatment of bacterial infection of the maternal reproductive and urinary tracts; avoiding unnecessary exposure to X-rays, drugs and medications; and the control of diabetes, anemia and nutritional deficiencies.

Of great importance are optimal well being prior to conception, adequate prenatal care, and protecting infants from accidents or injury.

The best prescription for having a healthy baby is to have regular prenatal care and good nutrition, and to avoid smoking, alcohol consumption, and drug abuse. Other forms of prevention include:

Prevent head injuries by using child safety seats in automobiles and helmets when riding bicycles, skateboards, etc. Supervise young children closely during bathing and swimming. Prevent child abuse. Keep poisons out of reach.

Treat jaundice in newborns with phototherapy. Exposing jaundiced babies to special blue lights that break down bile pigments and prevent them from building up and causing brain damage. In rare cases, a blood transfusion may be necessary.

Identify potential Rh incompatibility in expectant mothers. Incompatible Rh factor usually is not problematic with first pregnancies, as the mother's body typically produces the unwanted antibodies only after delivery. A special serum given after each delivery can prevent the production of antibodies.

If antibodies develop during a first pregnancy, or if antibody production is not prevented, the developing baby is monitored closely. If necessary, a transfusion may be given to the infant in the womb or an exchange transfusion may be given after birth, removing and replacing a large volume of the infant's blood.

Be vaccinated against German measles (rubella) before becoming pregnant.

To prevent CP, prospective parents should follow these guidelines:

* Get regular prenatal care.

* Expectant mothers and, in some cases, expectant fathers should get a simple blood test to determine their Rh factor. An incompatibility between mother and child usually does not cause problems with the first pregnancy. And an immunization given to the mother after delivery of an Rh positive child can prevent problems for future pregnancies.

* Women should be immunized against rubella (German measles) before getting pregnant.

* Women who are expecting or who plan to become pregnant should try to avoid toxoplasmosis by not eating undercooked pork or lamb and by keeping away from cat litter boxes.

* Parents should follow safety precautions such as using child safety seats in vehicles to prevent head injury and having children wear safety equipment, such as helmets, for bike riding or other activities.

* Parents should seek treatment right away for a baby who is jaundiced. If phototherapy isn't effective, as in some severe cases, a special form of blood transfusion can correct the jaundiced condition.

The cause of cerebral palsy (CP) sometimes is not known. However, links have been identified between CP and certain conditions during pregnancy, birth, and early childhood. Some of these can be prevented; some cannot.

You can help prevent CP before and during your pregnancy by adopting and maintaining healthy habits.

* Eat nutritious foods.
* Do not smoke.
* Avoid exposure to harmful substances.
* See your health professional regularly.

Also, help prevent CP in your young child by minimizing your child's risk for sustaining a brain injury.

* Take measures to prevent accidents.
* Make sure you are familiar with the signs of jaundice in newborns.
* Know how to prevent lead poisoning.
* Keep your child away from people who have serious contagious illnesses, such as meningitis.
* Make sure your child's immunizations are up to date. For more information, see the topic Immunizations.

Jerald Chan writes for where you can find out more about cerebralpalsy cure and other topics.Alexia Blog81881
Carly Blog15646

Furnish Your Home on a Budget

Lets face it you need furniture. Sure, you can cut corners by going Japanese and using your coffee table as the dining table, or by transforming your living room into a Middle Eastern pillow lounge. But in the end, youll need at least a few basic pieces of furniture, even for the most spartan of living conditions. Dont worry saving money on your furniture is easy and doesn't mean sacrificing the quality of the product. Just follow some of these easy guidelines.

Look for furniture on sale

This might seem a little obvious, but if you really put the effort into sniffing out the best sales, you could save a bundle on furniture. More often than not, the best deals on furniture come every January and July. And if youre looking for outdoor furniture, August is best.

Also check back at the end of every month. The majority of the furniture companies function on monthly basis computing their sales, releasing their promotions and introducing new furniture. There may be certain items that won't be offered the following month, so these lines of products may be offered at a very low price. And since most of the furniture companies pay sales people on commission, theyll be a little more desperate to make the sale when the month is running out.

Apply for the credit card being offered by the furniture shop

This is a tricky one. You can get a great deal on your furniture purchase with the retailers in-store credit cards. Depending on the store and the sale, you may be able to reduce or eliminate your interest payments and sales tax, or you may be offered a special discount available only to cardholders. All you have to do is apply for this credit card and you can get discounts on anything you want.

But be careful when using this strategy. The temptation is to spend beyond your means just because you have the available credit. Read the fine print of the terms and conditions carefully. If youre confident you can pay off your bill in the allotted time, then youll be fine. If not, be careful interest rates after your introductory period may jump as high as $25%!

Search online

If youve seen a certain piece of furniture you like in a store near you or in your favorite magazine, check the internet for a better price. Get as much information about the manufacturer and the piece name and Google it you may be able to find some deep discounts. But dont forget to check the shipping rates and taxes that may be applied to your purchase or you might not be saving as much as you think.

Buy used furniture

Buying second-hand is great because it saves you money and reuses materials that might otherwise wind up in the landfill. Check your telephone book for local thrift shops, reuse centers or charity shops. Be creative! If you find a nice sturdy couch you love, but the fabrics worn thin, you can have it reupholstered or covered in new slipcovers.

If you live near a college town (especially a wealthy college town), youre in luck. Watch the thrift stores extra closely each spring around move-out time youll be amazed at the things students will leave behind. Better yet, if you know someone who will be moving soon, offer to take that old piece of furniture off their hands. They may be so excited not to have to deal with moving it themselves that youll get a great price, or even a free piece of furniture. Before you know it, youll be on your way to your very own, fully furnished home.

Sarah Russell, aka "The Sexy Secretary," is a connoisseur of living the good life on a budget. Check out her website at for more fabulous ideas on how to trim down your expenses without reducing your quality of life.Abbye Blog17920
Alie Blog17127

Cooking Is Fun And Easy As Easy-Home-Cooking

A healthy life style extremely depended on the food consumed by us. True??? Whilst exercise is a must to all, a nutritious balance diet also plays a major role to our lifestyle. For those chef-to-be, please bear in mind that balance nutrition is a must-knowledge for preparing good and balanced food.

In this and future articles, Dr. Chef will address more and more about this nutrition diet in the food preparation. Thats why people acknowledge me as Dr. Chef!!!

Basic Principles of Nutrition: It is necessary for maintaining the human body in good health because our body is continuously using the substances which make it up and these must be replaced by absorbing food. So, a number of important factors must be considered if the process of alimentation is to be carried out correctly.

Hunger and thirst are sensed automatically by a healthy person.

Appetite is the desire for food without really being hungry. Its mainly psychological. In our psychological stress, we dont have appetite in spite of being hungry.

Variety: We need varieties of different foods and only varied food intake can ensure balanced nutrition.

Digestion: It takes place in the gastrointestinal tract, and is the breakdown of food prior to its absorption into the body.

Metabolism is the conversion of nutrients occurring in a series of processes in different parts of the body. This activity is necessary for the building and continuous functioning of cells and tissues.



Normally we keep our uneaten sandwiches in the fridge. This will make it dry and hard. So, do not waste your money by buying and wrapping your sandwiches with cling wrap, but use this. Cover it with a clean and wet cloth because the bread will last longer and fresh. Till next article, I wish you A Gooood and Healthy Day .

From the back desk,

Dr. Chef

Dr. Chef, Webmaster for .Dr. Chef has been a chef in hotel around the world.From China to India, Middle East to South Africa and Canada to Australia. Now retired as a chef and doing a consultant company in restaurant and hotel business in south East-asia.Camala Blog24262
Becka Blog26504

10 Vital Steps to Boost Your Google Ranking

Let's face it: There are googols of information about getting high ranking in Google. As a loyal student of Brad Callen's, I believe he is one of the few who have a solid grasp on what works and what doesn't in SEO and site ranking. I'll try to keep this short and sweet as I boil down the 10 vital steps to boost your SE ranking by hundreds, maybe even thousands of pages:

1. Your title should only be your main keyword. Not too long; the shorter the better, and easier for indexing.

2. The first copy on your page, or the header, should be in h1 header tags.

3. Add h1 header tags. This can be a sub heading for your webpage. You should place your 2nd most important keyword in the h2 header tag. The h2 tag should be placed somewhere in the top half of your webpage.

4. Bold, underline, or italicize some of the keywords one time each, maximum. Only 1 per keyword or it will hurt more than help. Not a crucial step, but creating a little "style" here and there will help.

5. Write your keywords to flow in a natural way throughout your copy, but be sure to include at least one of the keywords per 1-2 paragraphs, depending on how large your page is.

6. Use <alt> tags for images. Something I never did, but will now! Again, be careful on how you name them as not to appear too spammy. Example: For the keyword garden, your first image could be garden image 1, and for your second image, use your next keyword: raised garden graphic 2...etc. - just a little different but keeping your main keywords.

7. Name your images after the main keywords: garden_image1.jpg, garden_image2.jpg, etc.

8. Strategically place your main keyword once at the very beginning, and once at the very end. At the bottom, it could appear like:
© 2005 copyright a site about gardening

9. Make sure Google reads your keywords first - Very important! Many, many people make this mistake: Putting their navigation links in the left hand column. Google indexes your page top left to right, which means the nav links will be indexed before your keywords! To get around this, here's what you do: You can still create your nav links on the lefthand side, but - create a column JUST ABOVE the nav column, with your keyword(s). Google will read the top first, then that top left column with your keyword, then will move laterally to the right to read the main copy.

10. Do Offsite Marketing

What this means is:

Which websites link to you
The number of websites linking to you
The Google page rank of the website linking to you
The page title of the website linking to you
The anchor text used in the link linking to you
The number and type of links linking to the website that's linking to you.
The number of outbound links on the website that is linking to you
The total number of links on the website that is linking to you
Whether or not the websites linking to you are deemed by Google as an authority website.

To learn more about offsite marketing, I recommend Brad Callen's Article, How To Skyrocket Your Website To The Top Of Google With Properly Planned Offpage Optimization

Doni Underwood is a self-described "geek goddess" and loyal grasshopper of the Callen bros.Austina Blog99691
Anet Blog81411

Dining Tables- From The Finest Teak Wood Furniture

For social entertaining, the first thing you think about is your home. After all, it is your stage. Your furniture pieces are your props and everything comes together. There is no more vital piece of teak wood furniture in social entertaining than the dining table. For centuries, the dining table has been the center of good food, fine wine and excellent conversations. A dining table is used for everything, not just foods. Having a teak wood furniture piece that brings elegance and functionality to your home is a must. Some might be thinking, "well, that kind of dining table is out of my league, price-wise". It doesn't have to be elegant, functional teak wood dining tables can be had for less than you think.

Feeling a bit overwhelmed? Not surprising. Shopping for teak wood furniture is not normally on a person's high list of things to shop for and dining tables are usually not even really thought about, even though they should be. Teak wood furniture pieces need to fit in the room, not only in size but also in the style, and you have to be sure that you are getting a teak dining table big enough for all your needs.

The first thing to think about when selecting your teak wood furniture is - does it make you feel comfortable? Not something you normally think about when looking for a teak wood dining table. You want to be able to enjoy sitting and having coffee or conversations over dinner and after without having to get up from your dining table. The way to do that is to make sure your teak wood furniture is comfortable. No matter what type you decide on - an informal dining table or a formal dining table - no matter what styles you choose - modern dining table or traditional dining table - make sure you've taken into consideration the needs that your teak wood furniture will have to fill.

Do you need an extendable dining table? This design of teak wood furniture is best for when you entertain occasionally but normally don't need that much dining space at your dinning table. Want to know for sure? Measure the room, and take those measurements with you. Anyone who is versed in selling teak wood furniture will be able to help you determine the right size dining table for your patio.

There are standard teak wood furniture measurements that will help. Each place setting should have two feet of space. Knowing this and the usual number of people you entertain, will go a long way in helping determine the size of table that will be right for you. Another thing to consider is if you wish to decorate with teak wood furniture, is, what is the average size of your centerpieces? This will help determine the width of your table. These measurements are a surefire way for you to find the perfect teak wood furniture piece for your application.

John StidolphAlana Blog50562
Cassaundra Blog25142

Choosing Good Domain Names and Web Host

A Domain name is the unique name of a website, just like There are many registrars around and the cost to register a new domain name can range anywhere from 4 to 30 USD per year. Domain name Registration and Web hosting is a different thing. You can register your domain name from company A and host it in company B. In simple terms, a domain name service provider stores your domain name and points it to the web host which stores all your web pages.

Choosing A Good Domain Name

Choosing a domain name is a serious business. A good domain name is easy to remember and contains the keyword that you want. You can choose to buy a new domain name or an expired one. Some expired domain names are well established and worth buying (They have many websites linking to it and possibly a good Google PR). You can find many websites selling expired domains by googling "expired domain name".

If you buy a new domain name, basically you start everything from scratch. Google tends to prevent new websites from appearing in its search engine for a few months or even longer. You have to build up your reputation in the web, get people to link to you and so on (Getting good inbound links is the key to search engine optimisation). However, having said that, building a successful website from scratch often gives you great sense of satisfaction. You do not have to worry about the history of the website, anything about the previous owner and the transfer procedures. There are cheaters around, so you have to becareful.

After reading the keyword selection guide, you should have a better understanding of how to select keywords. The same rule applies for domain names. If you want to create a website teaching people "how to design a web page", ideally, your url should be something like this: "". Noticed that I put a dash "-" to separate the keywords. Though longer to type, the url will be stronger than a url like this "". The later url is shorter but harder for the search engines to decipher. However, it is known that search engines are able to decode the urls and extract the keywords. We personally do not like to use the "dash" because it makes the url looks unprofessional. Therefore, short and clean urls with easy to understand terms are good. Google, Yahoo and MSN have no problems with

There are other things that you might also consider when choosing domain names. Factors such as company's prestige and whether the url is easy to remember are important as well. Take the previous url "how-to-design-a-web-page" case for example, we could also take the first letter of each keyword and call it In this case, the url becomes totally meaningless. If my company is already quite popular, I dont need to stuff keywords in my url because it will make my company look unprofessional. Take BMW for example, they just need to register for instead of something like

Does the extension matters?

Yes, it matters alot. Whether you choose a .com (general), (Australia), or a (United Kingdom)...etc depends alot on the location of the audience you are targeting. If you own a web design firm in UK and your domain is a .com and hosted in US, it is harder for people in UK to find you because search engines know where people are searching from and tends to give priority to websites that are hosted in their location. This is call this geo-targeting. In short, a well optimised website can rank well both in (Google General) and (Google Australia). A .com website may loose out to a website in Furthermore, many companies bought large number of good .com, .net ...etc doman names in order to sell them at a higher price - which makes it hard for you to get a good domain name. Though a country specific domain name can be more expensive, you often get better chances to choose a good domain name.

Depending on your budget, a .info, .biz or some funny extensions might be cheaper to register but harder to remember. A .com, .net or .org domain name seems to be more popular and easily remembered. If you are targeting at the international level or in United States and do not want to spend alot, go for .com, .net .org, .biz, .us or .info.

What To Look For In A Good Host

With strong competition in the web hosting industry, most web host will provide many features at an affordable price. With price ranging from 5 to 10 dollars a month, you can get a decent host for your website. To us, the most important thing is uptime and support. You don't want your email or server to be down. You want someone who knows their stuff when you have questions. Unless your website requires special needs, the features provided by most hosting companies are good enough.

Our Recommendation

Instead of registering a domain name with company A and buying a hosting plan with company B, we recommend you to do both at the same time with the same company. Many hosting providers provide hosting packages that includes domain registration and web hosting. By doing that, you let them do all the backend work and save yourself some trouble of configuring the Domain Name Servers. You combine the bills as well and have lesser things to remember.

Which hosting and domain registration company to go for? Most of us would recommend bluehost - They are not the cheapest around but their support is definitely the best. Their engineers are all in-housed (your problems get fixed up really quickly) and they know their work very well. is formed by a group of web addicts, mainly volunteers from all over the world. Our goal is to create a community of web designers and developers who share the common interest in bringing out the best in creatiing effective web sites.Anni Blog68956
Alidia Blog87545

Prepaid Cell Phones and Emergency Service

Find out the nitty gritty on prepaid cell phones and 911 service. Find out what prepaid cell phone companies are required to do and why.

Everybody is familiar with 9-1-1 service, which allows you to easily contact emergency services from your home phone. But what about your cell? Emergencies can happen when you're away from home. And even while you're at home, more households are moving towards a single-line solution, replacing their landline phones with mobile.

The FCC requires all cellular carriers to put through all 9-1-1 calls, even when the phone does not have an active service contract. Individuals who have medical conditions may do well to carry an emergency cell phone, even if they do not use a cell phone on a regular basis. It is also an ideal solution for the elderly, who may be at risk while out and about. Keeping an emergency cell phone in the car's glove compartment, along with a portable charger, can help avert a disaster in case of a breakdown or accident in a remote area.

The so-called E911 (enhanced 911) service, mandated by the FCC, also requires carriers to implement a system that tells emergency dispatchers the location of the caller. This has been a part of landline emergency services for several years, and when you call 9-1-1 from your home phone, the dispatcher automatically knows your callback number and your fixed location. But on a mobile phone, there are some technological challenges. Fortunately, the cell phone companies stepped up to the plate and came up with a solution. In Phase I of the FCC mandate, carriers had to create a system that would tell dispatchers the cell phone number of the caller, as well as the location of the cell tower, which would provide at least an approximate geographic location. More sophisticated location detection technology uses GPS-enabled cell phones to determine the location of the caller in an emergency.

Phase II, scheduled to be fully implemented by the end of 2005, goes a step further by providing Automatic Location Identification (ALI), with precise latitude and longitude of the caller, to the emergency dispatcher. This capability has been incorporated into many newer cell phones, but there are still older cell phones still in use. If you plan to use your cell phone as an emergency backup, make sure you have a newer "location-sensitive" phone that is equipped to handle this service.

There is no charge for calling 9-1-1 from a cell phone; the E911 infrastructure is paid for with a small surcharge on normal cell phone services.

Tom Spelling is a contributing editor to which reviews prepaid cell phone plan providers and rates them according to service factors and customer feedback. The site offers reviews on Verizon Prepaid Wireless, Cingular GoPhone and more.Cal Blog68275
Blanch Blog99555

Is An IT Degree Right For You?

If you're considering a career in Information Technology, you probably have a lot of questions and are wondering if it will be the best choice for your future. Before such a big commitment is made, extensive research is needed to determine if an IT degree is something you're ready to pursue.

First of all, you should ask yourself what it is about IT that intrigues you and if it's something you can picture yourself doing long term. Have you always had a love for working with computers? Are you interested in the programming perspective and how everything works behind the scenes? Maybe it's the simple fact that you have a unique knack for fixing things when a file or program goes haywire on you.

Whatever the case, you'll be spending a lot of time working with computers in many capacities, so having a solid comfort level with them, or the willingness to gain one, is definitely a must.

Another thing to consider is what type of career you hope to land once you earn your IT degree. You may just have a general interest in the field right now and will create a plan as you delve deeper into your courses and training.

Or maybe you already have a specific type of job in mind like maintaining databases or networks, working on the help desk or doing programming. If that's the case, now is a great time to start looking into any specific training or certifications you'll need to achieve your goals.

And while you are planning your future career, it's also smart to start doing some preliminary research to see what kinds of IT jobs are out there. The market can always change in terms of job volume and demand, but now's the perfect time to see what sort of positions are available, which kinds of companies are looking to fill them and what parts of the country they're located in.

It's also an opportunity for you to find out what kind of experience employers are looking for and if there's much entry level work available. You might want to research the range of wages offered and get a better idea of how IT jobs will pay.

You will need to factor in the type of job skills you'll be required to have once you've received your IT degree and are ready to hit the workforce. Even if you know you're committed to all the coursework and studying that's required during your schooling, are you prepared for everything that will be expected of you on the job?

Consider all of the characteristics you'll need to be successful in an IT career and if they fit your personality. For example, do you have good problem solving skills and can you troubleshoot complicated situations? Are you able to balance a lot of different responsibilities and work well under pressure?

A lot of jobs in IT will require all of these work skills. Another very important requirement will be to have great people skills. Depending on what job your IT degree leads to; it's very likely that your role will involve helping other co-workers and staff. Having the ability to develop good working relations amongst your peers is a major benefit.

Going to school and getting your IT degree can open a lot of doors in your future and bring about all kinds of new opportunities. With some careful consideration and a bit of research, hopefully you'll be able to decide if a career in IT is what you're meant to do.

Andy West is a freelance writer for Virginia College. Virginia College offers many Information Technology Degree programs. Please visit Virginia College at to select the IT program that is right for you.Brook Blog18372
Audi Blog81944

Friends (Season 2) DVD Review

Along with Seinfeld and Frasier, Friends dominated the must-see TV of the 1990's. Winner of innumerable television awards, the show features the lives of six friends in their late-twenties/early-thirties living in New York City - Monica Geller (Courteney Cox), Phoebe Buffay (Lisa Kudrow), Rachel Green (Jennifer Aniston), Ross Geller (David Schwimmer), Joey Tribbiani (Matt LeBlanc), and Chandler Bing (Matthew Perry). The six friends spend the majority of their time in a coffee house named "Central Perk" or in either Monica's apartment or Joey and Chandler's apartment.

The Friends (Season 2) DVD offers a number of hilarious episodes including the season premiere which begins with Rachel anxiously waiting for Ross at the airport so she can tell him about her feelings. But when Ross exits the plane with his new girlfriend Julie (Lauren Tom) on his arm, Rachel struggles with what she should do. The first several episodes of the season are dominated by this storyline until (in episode #31) a drunken Rachel phones Ross and leaves a message on his answering machine revealing the truth. Forced to decide between Julie and Rachel, Ross constructs a list of pros and cons (episode #32) that Rachel inevitably finds. The incident threatens to destroy their relationship before they finally come together. Meanwhile, Joey lands a part on Days Of Our Lives as Dr. Drake Ramoray, but seals his own fate when his hubris steps on the toes of the show's writers

Below is a list of episodes included on the Friends (Season 2) DVD:

Episode 25 (The One with Ross's New Girlfriend) Air Date: 09-21-1995
Episode 26 (The One with the Breast Milk) Air Date: 09-28-1995
Episode 27 (The One Where Heckles Dies) Air Date: 10-05-1995
Episode 28 (The One with Phoebe's Husband) Air Date: 10-12-1995
Episode 29 (The One with Five Steaks and an Eggplant) Air Date: 10-19-1995
Episode 30 (The One with the Baby on the Bus) Air Date: 11-02-1995
Episode 31 (The One Where Ross Finds Out) Air Date: 11-09-1995
Episode 32 (The One with the List) Air Date: 11-16-1995
Episode 33 (The One with Phoebe's Dad) Air Date: 12-14-1995
Episode 34 (The One with Russ) Air Date: 01-04-1996
Episode 35 (The One with the Lesbian Wedding) Air Date: 01-18-1996
Episode 36 (The One After the Superbowl: Part 1) Air Date: 01-28-1996
Episode 37 (The One After the Superbowl: Part 2) Air Date: 01-28-1996
Episode 38 (The One with the Prom Video) Air Date: 02-01-1996
Episode 39 (The One Where Ross and Rachel You Know) Air Date: 02-08-1996
Episode 40 (The One Where Joey Moves Out) Air Date: 02-15-1996
Episode 41 (The One Where Eddie Moves In) Air Date: 02-22-1996
Episode 42 (The One Where Dr. Ramoray Dies) Air Date: 03-21-1996
Episode 43 (The One Where Eddie Won't Go) Air Date: 03-28-1996
Episode 44 (The One Where Old Yeller Dies) Air Date: 04-04-1996
Episode 45 (The One with the Bullies) Air Date: 04-25-1996
Episode 46 (The One with the Two Parties) Air Date: 05-02-1996
Episode 47 (The One with the Chicken Pox) Air Date: 05-09-1996
Episode 48 (The One with Barry and Mindy's Wedding) Air Date: 05-16-1996

Britt Gillette is author of The DVD Report, a blog where you can find where you can find more reviews of movies and TV series. Source: Blog89172
Aubrette Blog78131

Bad Debt? Get Unsecured Personal Loan and Be Stress Free

The future is the result of the past. This stands true enough if considered in context of your financial history. An error committed in the past may hamper your present financial position. Bad debt is also one of those situations which are a result of past disturbances in your financial life. It holds back your privilege of borrowing money in the future. But when bad debt unsecured loans are there, you can still satisfy your personal needs by availing easy fund from them.

Bad debt unsecured personal loans are a perfect solution for people having bad credit history. This justifies that you can avail these loans even if you have a case of arrear, defaults, CCJ, bankruptcy etc. You will get these loans with a low rate of interest and easy repayments because of your bad debt so that you can make prompt and timely repayment.

Bad debt unsecured loans are personal loans that are available without putting any collateral. That means you are free from putting any security against the loan amount. With Bad debt unsecured personal loans you have no risk to offer.

With a bad debt unsecured personal loan, you can gain an amount ranging between 1000- 25,000, with a repayment of 1-7 years. The interest rate is charged depending upon your loan amount.

A bad debt unsecured loan can let you perform various tasks. You can avail this loan to consolidate your debts, meet wedding, medical or educational expenses, holidaying, home improvement, buying a home or car etc.

Getting a bad debt unsecured personal loan is not at all a difficult task. Online lenders can get you loan in a very fast and convenient manner. All you need to do is to go online and fill an application form provided by them. The application will ask for certain details like your employment details, personal identity proof, residential proof and yes, your credit score. You will be required to show your credit score to let the lender know about your financial circumstances. If you do not know your credit score, you can send a request to the UK credit check agencies to run a credit check on your name. This way you will come to know about your credit score. With these few points, you can easily avail bad debt unsecured personal loans.

Bad credit unsecured personal loans not only offer you money at low rates but also gives you a chance to improve your credit score. This increases your chances of getting any type of loan in the future.

Tim Kelly is an expert in finance having completed her LLM in Finance (Master of Laws in Finance) from Institute for Law and Finance at Frankfurt University. He is currently working with BadDebtUnsecuredLoans as a financial advisor. To find bad debt unsecured loan, bad debt unsecured personal loan, bad debt business loan, bad debt fast unsecured loan in UK that best site's you need visit Blog32444
Candy Blog86520

Microsoft Office Integration

Two-way links place Access Accounts on the main menus of Excel, Project and Word, enabling you to work on your accounts data using the functionality you feel most comfortable with. You can even customise your Outlook Today screen, to display a range of vital accounts information, ongoing management reporting tasks and functionality (attach e-mails directly to your customer and supplier records).

This level of integration is ideal for extending the benefits of Access Accounts to staff who rely on accounts information but do not need to be given the complete Access solution, as well as those who are involved in the management reporting process. You control how much information is made available, while by-passing the need for full user licences.

The range of productivity tools provided by Office Integration is substantial. Here we highlight just a few of the more powerful features

Access Analytics

Access Analytics is a powerful integration tool between Microsoft Excel and Access Accounts. Available directly from the menu bar, Access Analytics is the first solution to provide your data pre-formatted in Excel ready for analysis.

In just 3 easy steps you can start your analysis, skipping the time consuming element of data preparation. And, once youve got your data, you can alter your analysis criteria without having to extract data all over again. Access Analytics is the easiest, most cost-effective way of analysing your business data, and its all available within your existing Microsoft Excel.


Jack DorenAdriaens Blog46714
Alayne Blog65959

AMEX Business Green Rewards Credit Card - Gain The Purchasing Power To Grow Your Business

The Business Green Rewards Card is a charge card and all the charges made on this card are to be fully paid with the arrival of the monthly bill. There are great rewards along with this card awarding you one point for every dollar you spend on the card whenever you purchase anything with the AMEX Business Green Rewards Card. Along with that you also get automatically enrolled in the Membership Rewards Program, that too without the burden of additional fee and you can also redeem points for merchandise, travel and other rewards for yourself as well as your business according to the program. The AMEX Business Green Rewards Card awards you 5000 bonus points on your very first purchase with the card. The redemption of points is also quite unique. With practically no expiry date set on redeeming the points you can use you points as and when it suits you. With the AMEX Business Green Rewards Card you can you have the facility to redeem points as less as 400.

Not only can you earn points on your card but points can also be earned if the additional card members make a purchase. The AMEX Business Green Rewards Card also offers credit-savvy agents along with online management tools.

With the AMEX Business Green Rewards Card your purchasing power can grow along with your business as there is no pre-set spending limit on your card as well as on the additional card members. You can also make large purchases without any dilemma as the AMEX Business Green Rewards Card may allow you able to pay over a certain time period. The introductory APR is as low as 0% on purchases and balance transfers.

The first year is fee-free for the AMEX Business Green Rewards Card holders and thereafter you have to pay an annual fee of $95. Though there is no annual fee for additional cards for employees. There is a late fee of $30 or more or 2.99% of your overdue balance, though this might help you get rid of the ever-accumulating credit card debt.

The online account management facility of the Business Green Rewards Card helps you keep a track of your expenses and also create a custom report. With this facility not only can you manage your own account online but you can also stay informed about the position of your account with 'account alerts'. What's more, paying the bill is no longer a problem, you can pay them automatically with your card; hence this new way not only saves your time but also keeps you stress free and all this cost you not a single penny extra. If you have any query regarding the AMEX Business Green Rewards Program or your account it, you send it through e-mail and a monthly e-mail newsletter will be on its way automatically to inform you of business tools and resources, promotions and benefits and accurate and timely business articles and advice.

The OPEN program of the AMEX Business Green Rewards Card opens a whole new avenue for you as it makes the OPEN small business network accessible to you. Businesses with discounts on necessary services like car rentals, telephone, shipping and printing are generally provided by the OPEN network. By using your Business Card you can get discounts at FedEx, Delta, Courtyard by Marriott, and others with OPEN Savings SM. No coupons or codes are needed and the savings will accompany the other discounts your business may already receive.

The AMEX Business Green Rewards Card also gives you a number of additional benefits including a travel accident insurance of up to $100,000, auto rental insurance and purchase protection and also numerous internet account related facilities. Your AMEX Business Green Rewards Card can be replaced in case of an emergency; it also provides you with lost and damaged luggage insurance and other travel and emergency assistance services. All you need is an excellent credit to apply for the AMEX Business Green Rewards Card.

This article was brought to you courtesy of Anthony Samuel, the webmaster of . A credit card directory where you can search, compare and apply for credit cards from leading credit card companies.Bella Blog61960
Brittani Blog21114

Information Commonly Found On Promotional Items

When it comes to promotional items, there is a limited amount of space for what you get imprinted. When you think of the common promotional items you see, like pens, water bottles and baseball type caps, what you place onto the promotional items needs to remain focused and informative enough to draw customers to your door. Of course, items like notebooks, conference folders and key rings that are often passed out at expos and meetings can have quite a bit more information on them.

Things that you can use to determine what you imprint on your promotional items:

1. What the items are

2. Where you will be distributing these items

3. Who will be picking up these items

A common misconception is that a business can just print anything on items for anyone. This wont be an effective way to advertise. For example, if you are distributing promotional items to a community of retirees who have very little computer experience and the item only has a web address on ityou will get very few new customers! However, distribute something with a phone number on it and your phone may begin to ring off the hook!

Dont think of promotional items as you would newspaper advertising, either. You will never be able to fit that much information on the typical promotional product.

Things that you can consider placing on promotional items:

1. Company name this should be placed on a promotional item first and foremost. Although logos are often well known and can easily be recognized, for a younger business a logo may mean nothing to many people. A company name will be easily located in business phone directories, as well.

2. Company logo if you have a logo, having some kind of graphic on your promotional items to break up the print is often effective and draws the eye.

3. Company phone number or website address here is where you need to determine your audience. With cell phones so common in todays society, a phone number may be the better choice. When the promotional item has the space, you can consider adding both the phone number and the web address. (If you will be attending some kind of technology conference and distributing your promotional products there, you may choose the web address and have just as much success with it.)

4. Company address this takes a lot of space and many promotional gifts just dont have that kind of room. However, on items like bumper stickers, key rings, and conference folders, room is not that much of an issue and an address may draw customers right to your door!

Experiment with different items and different information each time you order promotional products. Find what works well and what doesnt and keep using that information that brings you the most business.

For more information on promotional items, products and gifts check out some of the leading online suppliers today where you can tap into their wealth of experience to ensure that your next marketing campaign is well targeted and sets off on the right footing.

Tina Rinaudo is one of the leading lights in the UK promotional products industry. Tina is a key member of YesGifts, the UK's fastest growing online promotional items resource specialising in promotional pens, mugs, mouse mats, umbrellas, conference items and much more. For more information please visit Blog32264
Bernadine Blog76582

Debt Consolidation With Unsecured Personal Loans

Everyone knows how quickly monthly credit payments can add up. Between credit cards, auto loans and medical bills, it can be very overwhelming. Add high interest rates to the equation and it can be virtually impossible to get out from under the burden of all that debt. It truly is a vicious cycle a cycle that enriches the profits of many creditors. Take, for instance, a credit card with a 5000 balance that carries a 22% interest rate and has a minimum payment of 130. At this rate, it will take seven years to pay off the credit card at a cost of about 10,000. Thats twice the principal balance on the credit card! Add one or two more credit cards, an auto loan and a hospital bill and its no wonder that consumers are becoming prisoners to their creditors.

Many people today have found a way to manage their debt through unsecured personal loans. This type of debt consolidation is really geared toward those who do not meet the normal lending criteria, meaning those with lower credit scores and/or those considered sub prime or high risk by traditional lenders. Many things can contribute to a less than desirable credit rating, the worst, obviously, being things like bankruptcy and foreclosure. More commonly however, credit scores are tarnished by late payments and an unfavorable debt-to-income ratio. Unfortunately, once the damage is done and it can be done rather quickly it can take years to repair. Whats a person to do in the meantime?

In the past, there was not much that a person could do except wait until enough time passed and all the blemishes were erased off. Creditors viewed those with low credit scores as abusers of the credit system. When so many consumers today are living paycheck to paycheck, it is virtually impossible to not have some kind of derogatory mark on your credit report. A 30-day late payment can lower a credit score by 30 - 75 points. Imagine what a month or two of unemployment can do to a credit score. In a matter of weeks, someone with great credit can fall into the abyss of the sub prime - a hole from which it will take years to emerge. However, a new trend is developing as many lenders have found that a low credit score does not equate to a deadbeat, non-paying borrower. In fact, many lenders are specializing in working with those with problem credit to help them get back on track.

There are several companies out there who specialize in making unsecured personal loans to individuals with sub prime lending criteria. Most will grant loans for amounts as little as 250 and as much as 25,000. Loans are available with same-day approval and no upfront fees. To ensure a loan company is reputable, be sure to look for one that is regulated and registered as a finance broker. Borrowers may also want to look for a lender that offers comprehensive insurance in case of an illness or unemployment.

An unsecured personal loan helps a persons financial position by consolidating all debt into one manageable monthly payment. Instead of writing, for example, five different checks to five different creditors, the five accounts are consolidated into one with a single lender; therefore, only one check is issued. Most often, the interest rate on the personal loan is lower than that on the credit cards and the single monthly payment is generally less than the sum of the five individual payments. Homeowners would generally use a home equity line of credit to accomplish this, but since an unsecured personal loan requires no collateral, it is ideal for UK Council Tenants, Housing Association Tenants, Private Tenants, MOD Tenants. In fact, individuals with any residential status can take advantage of this type of credit.

While approximately half of these types of loans fall into the debt consolidation category, about 20% are requests for new car loans. Borrowers are also looking to fund such things as holidays, weddings, even cosmetic surgery. The loans offer an opportunity for someone to splurge on something that is important to him or her.

It is important to borrow only as much money as you can afford to repay. Thats why its a good idea to do an income and expenditure exercise before applying. Income should always outweigh expenses and money for savings and emergencies should be included in that budget. It is also important to remember non-regular expenditures such as gifts, vacations, entertainment and clothing. If it turns out that there is more money going out than coming in each month, debt consolidation can still help, but it may be necessary to give up some of the non-necessities. To assist with preparing a budget, The Office of Fair Trade website offers a free budget tool. The site also provides information about credit, finance, and loans. It prompts certain questions to ensure that the consumer has shopped around for the best deal and that he or she is making a wise financial decision.

An unsecured personal loan can mean different things to different people. Whether its used for debt consolidation or otherwise, here are some of the benefits:

Lower monthly payments
Pay off debt more quickly
Increased monthly disposable income
Rebuild credit
Enjoy that dream vacation, car, body, stereo system, etc.

Choosing a lender can be tricky. Borrowers should look for a company that:

Is regulated
Is registered as a financial broker
Charges no fees upfront or otherwise
Offers insurance policies to cover illnesses or unemployment

When done correctly, debt consolidation with unsecured personal loans can mean a better financial position for many.
By PA Davis sponsored by who provides Unsecured Personal Loans: from 250 to 25,000 for any purpose for non home owners. Please link to this site when using this article.Ailis Blog88048
Aimee Blog45285

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